Sunday, April 8, 2012

Update: The Art of Reviewing and Reading

Good Evening, Good Evening my dear readers (Or Good Morning/Afternoon depending on when you read this and where you live).

I have just posted up my 12th review and as you can see I'm varying up the format a bit. Expect me to be going through and editing the earlier reviews to be put in similar format. I just had to get rid of highlighting for the spoilers, I like this little expand button much more, what about you guys?

Other design plans looming in the future are: Designing a banner, Editing a different Blog Design (I love this one, but I'd rather one more customized to me and I am a Graphic Designer so I should be putting some more effort than I have I think), and making bookmark icons for the rating.

Other news that I have is that I have decide to participate in Waiting on Wednesdays. I happen to have a great many books I'm waiting on and I want to share them with you all. I also have decide to attempt to participate in  this April's Read-a-thon; just gotta make sure I get that day off from work.

Finally, as you can see on the widget to the side, I have a current 2012 goodreads goal of 300 books, I am only 3 books behind on this goal and truthfully I'd like to up it. Ladies and Gentlemen if I can catch up to 300 books rate within the next few days I am going to up my goal to 365, this means I will have read 1 book everyday for 2012. Will I be reviewing every single book I read? Probably not. I will more than likely be reviewing most of them however.



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